And, TA DA! I found one! This comes courtesy of Kat's Out o'the Bag and is almost her tutorial for the Carseat Canopy with Peek-a-Boo Window that Kat made back in February.
I say almost, because she's obviously more talented with the sewing machine than I am, and that's one of the reasons I chose this tutorial. It's a simple project with some flair. I pieced fabric and for the first time did binding, which, following her instructions, was easier than I thought it would be.
Since I used fabric out of my stash, I used one yard of each fabric, so I had to cut out some of Kat's coolness. I used ribbons instead of sewing up those great straps. I think it turned out pretty well!
Items used:
2 coordinating fabrics, 1 yard each (G St. Fabrics)
Items already owned:
Sewing machine, velcro, ribbon, button
In retrospect, I'd have made the binding wider so to avoid those gaps. But I had run out of fabric, and used all of my fabric in those two colors. I think I'm going to put another button at the top of the window, so that I can pin the window open as well as closed. All said and done, this was a great project from a great tutorial. Thanks Kat!