The kitchen nursery has sprouted. My husband can't wait to get this off of the countertop! I'm growing the following from seed:
- nasturtium (Target)
- marigold (Target)
- cucumber (Home Depot, all seeds are saved from last year)
- various herbs (Home Depot, Target and Bountiful Gardens)
- poblano peppers (Bountiful Gardens)
- jalepeno peppers (Bountiful Gardens)
- tomatillo (Bountiful Gardens)
- beefsteak tomatoes (American Meadows, free with the purchase of bulbs from last fall)
Greenhouse light and seed starting mat are from The seeds are living in plastic nursery containers I've saved containers saved and thouroughly washed from yogurt and pudding. I also used Pringles single-serve containers and chopped off plastic water bottles, but those aren't pictured. Now for the bulbs a-blooming in my front bed! I am so very happy with all that planning and work done last fall. There's been a consistent bloom, it's beautiful and smells wonderful!
Carnegie Hyacinth
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