A little bit about me.

I love tutorials. If I follow a tutorial, even if I don't do it perfectly, I always link to theirs. All photographs are mine, are never taken from the original tutorial, and are never as good as the original.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

What to do with those outgrown rainboots?

Why, plant flowers in them of course!

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This idea comes via Pinterest, I tracked down the original poster Rosy Posy and added her to my favorites.

I took out the insoles and poked drainage holes with a screwdriver.

Boots: outgrown rainboots, originally from Target.
Flowers: impatiens, from Home Depot
Potting Soil: from Home Depot

1 comment:

  1. how adorable! what a fun idea...i'll have to remember that the next s. grows out of her's.
